WE Translate The Bible

We Create Means Of Access

WE Make It Affordable

We Encourage Bible Study

The Malagasy Bible Society (MBS) is a collaborative platform that brings together all Christian organizations in order to spread the Holy Scripture in Madagascar. Thus, we support churches and missionaries by providing biblical materials.
On March 19th 1830, the New Testament was printed in Madagascar. Five years after that, on June 21st 1835, the very first complete Malagasy Bible was printed. Madagascar is one of the first countries in Africa to have a complete version of the Bible in its mother tongue. Four revisions were made from that date up to the creation of the Malagasy Bible Society (MBS). 130 years after the first print of the full Malagasy Bible, the MBS was officially created. Then, in April 1972, the MBS was accepted as an official member of the United Bible Societies (UBS).
When I have to visit administrative offices, it is a real pleasure for me to be able to read and understand the instructions, information. Now I can copy applications from the notice board and write when requested. This literacy program is a real blessing for me.
~ Razafindrazanana Charline
Help people like Charline learn to read so they can receive the life changing message of God’s word.
“If you are thirsty, come to me and drink! Have faith in me, and you will have life-giving water flowing from deep inside you, just as the Scriptures say.”
John 7:37b-38 (CEV)
- Ampasampito – IIE21A ter Immeuble ECE
- +261 32 07 251 35
- + 261 33 11 251 35
- 020 23 617 14
- Tohatohabato Antaninarenina, Immeuble IFANOMEZANTSOA
- +261 33 31 251 35
- 261 33 11 662 24
- Ambavahadimangatsiaka, BP 362 110 Antsirabe MADAGASIKARA
- +261 32 63 860 33
- Làlana Abattoir Franco-Malagasy, B.P 90A Sambava MADAGASIKARA
- +261 33 11 166 45
- Ambalapaiso Ambony, Lot E 023/3702 Fianarantsoa MADAGASIKARA
Our Blog
Madagascar – A Trauma Healing project in response to pandemic crisis
On may 9th 2021, the Bible Society of Madagascar has launched a Scripture portion named BALISAMA...
Rev Fabrice RABENJARISOLO, the new CEO of the Bible Society of Madagascar
On November 22nd, 2020, the board of the Bible Society of Madagascar (BSM) gathered christians and...
185 free Bibles for the 185th anniversary of the Malagasy Bible!
185 free Bibles for the 185th anniversary of the Malagasy Bible! To celebrate the 185th...