On November 22nd, 2020, the board of the Bible Society of Madagascar (BSM) gathered christians and churches to attend...

On November 22nd, 2020, the board of the Bible Society of Madagascar (BSM) gathered christians and churches to attend...
185 free Bibles for the 185th anniversary of the Malagasy Bible! To celebrate the 185th anniversary of the Malagasy...
Now that 2020 is here, we are in full swing for celebrating the Malagasy Bible's 185th Anniversary, as one of the very...
On September 3rd 2019, a group lead by the Malagasy Bible Society (MBS) and the Scripture Union (SU) went to the...
The Global Day of Prayer (GDP) was celebrated in Madagascar on 8th June 2019. Lead by the Malagasy Bible Society (MBS)...